Let's increase your visibility on Google

Website development

Together we will create an online presence that will empower your business to grow, be visible and succeed in the digital world.


Website development

We are Certified on a Global Level

Izdelava Spletnih Strani Agencija IB Stari Trg 35 Velenje

We are more than just developers

We make sure your website or online shop ranks highest in Google searches.

To achieve this, all we need to do is a professional analysis to identify your target customers.


Website Development
Online Shop Development
Mobile App Development
Mobilno Pripravljene
Seo optimizacija

We provide services

Website development

If you’re ready to build a website, your business will be pushed to the limit

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SEO Optimisation

SEO optimisation has become an essential strategy for achieving high visibility on the web

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Mobile App Development

Creating mobile apps with us can bring you many benefits. We create different types of mobile apps

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Online Advertising

With the right strategy and implementation, online advertising can become a powerful tool

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05.  Fifth Step

The fifth step, search engine optimisation, or SEO, is crucial to ensure that your website achieves the visibility you want and attracts organic traffic.

SEO is the process by which you improve your website’s ranking in the results of search engines such as Google.

This means that your website appears higher in the list of results when people search for the products or services you offer. SEO optimisation includes Keywords, On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Local SEO and results analysis.

06.  Sixth Step

Once the website is complete, it needs to be tested and any technical problems fixed.

Only then is the website published online and made available to your customers. But the work doesn’t end with the website.

Continuous maintenance and updating are essential to ensure the smooth functioning and security of the website.

We plan carefully Step by step throughout the process

01.  First step

Planning with our agency, where the objectives and requirements of the project and the price are set. It is important to understand what you want to achieve with the website, who your target audience is and what content will be offered to your customers.

The planning forms the basis for all the next steps.

02.  Second Step

The second step, which is design, creates the visual concept of the website. This includes the choice of colour palette, typography, layout and graphics.

The design should be attractive but functional at the same time. It must allow users to navigate easily and provide a good user experience to guide them to their final destination.

03.  Third Step

The third step, after design, is development. Our developers take the design ideas and turn them into a working website.

We use a variety of programming languages and technologies to create functionalities such as user registration, shopping carts, search engines and more.

The website needs to be flexible, responsive and carefully tested to ensure it works properly on all devices and browsers and is functional.

04.  Fourth Step

Content is crucial to the success of a website. Quality and relevant content is what attract and retain visitors.

In addition, content needs to be search engine optimised (SEO) to ensure that the website ranks better on search engines, which increases visibility and traffic.

By content also includes images and video.

Splošni cenik

Paket Vizitka

700-900 /EUR

    •  Mobilno Pripravljena Spletna Stran
    •  Do 6 Podstrani
    •  Galerija in Zemljevid
    •  Možnost samostojnega urejanja
    •  Unikaten Dizajn

Paket Poslovni

900-1500 /EUR

    •  Mobilno Pripravljena spletna Stran
    •  Do 20 Podstrani
    •  Novice 
    •  Galerija in Zemljevid
    •  Unikaten Dizajn

Paket Napredni

1500 Dalje /EUR

    •  Mobilno Pripravljena Spletna Stran
    •  Neomejeno podstrani
    •  SEO Optimizacija
    •  Unikaten Dizajn
    •  Unikatni dodatki

Are you ready for success?

Website development is a key activity in today’s digital world, and you need it to increase your traffic.

Websites have become an indispensable channel for communicating with your target audience, marketing your products and services and establishing your digital presence.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer or a large corporation, a website is an invaluable tool to achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked

The time it takes to build a website depends on the size and complexity of the project. Typically, a basic website can be completed in a few weeks, while more complex projects can take several months. The exact time will be determined in agreement with the project.

The cost of building a website depends on a number of factors, including the scope of work, design, functionality and additional services such as hosting. After a consultation, we will prepare a quotation that will include an exact price for your project.

Yes, we will offer help with domain registration and host selection. We can also advise on the best option for your needs.

Most of our websites are built on platforms that make it easy to edit content. Once built, we'll provide you with training so you can add or edit content yourself.

Yes, we provide website maintenance services, including regular updates, backups and troubleshooting support.
Izdelava Spletnih Strani Agencija IB

Call us and together we’ll create a digital journey that will empower your business to grow, be visible and succeed in the digital world.

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